WHEREAS Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Government’s (SSG) Constitution is SSG’s members right to self-governance for peace on Earth with sovereign unalienable right to unlimited Bi-lateral Contracts. The SSG’s Constitution invites sovereign leaders to meet SSG’s members for Business and Friendship Relations. Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Court on Kanata’s (SSCK) Advisors protect members pursuant to SSG Longhouse Natural Universal ‘Do No Harm’ Laws in the Name of Peace for Sentient Mother Earth’s Gaia, Pachamama, Turtle Island. SSG’s Jurisdiction is established with verbal and/or written expression of truth from heir apparent headmen, traditional women/clan mothers and honorable members. SSG’s country is a portion of land on Earth defined by an Allodial land claim identified by burial grounds and sacred sites with truth. SSG’s members are not political, thus voting is not necessary. Political authority has no power over SSG’s progress for economic development. SSG’s members have no religion, as we believe that the Creator exists in all living things, so ‘donations’ are not required. SSG’s legislated ‘anti-racial discrimination’ rule of law defines humanity as One Conscious Collective that unites a mosaic of cultures wrapped in a blanket of love with natural colours of thread. SSG’s Constitutional ‘do no harm’, respect, gratitude, peace, light and love protocols are changing human lifestyles on Earth’s Gaia from corporate to peaceful sovereigns. Huy chewx a – ashne ate.
Context Definitions
“For a growing number of people focusing on matters of consciousness, sacred knowledge and personal freedom, the reclamation of the word “sovereign” is studied in depth to recognize oneself as a sovereign being by acknowledging one’s own spiritual autonomy and unconditional entitlement to self determination. It is a primary avowal of oneself as a free and natural human being – not a serf, a subject or corporate entity or even a citizen. Real power is not something that is handed over at all; it is something that we already have inside us. It is there from the beginning and it is the ultimate power of freewill. Spiritual sovereignty teaches us that force and power are two very different things. To wield real power, we must be in harmony with our higher purpose and with universal truth. This is the truth that we feel in our hearts, minds and spirit, and is a compass for conscious growth. When we build that into our everyday thoughts and deeds, we live as honorable men and women” ~ Excerpt from Power of the Sovereign Spirit by Neil Kramer www.neilkramer.com
Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution and SSCK’s Sovereign Advisor’s revised definitions; A constitution is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which sovereign intention is stated by people who elect to ‘govern oneself’ with peace laws pursuant to the Law of Divine Love which is the basis of everything and all other Laws are subordinate to it. As to the remaining Laws, they make up, i.e. constitute, what sovereignty and peace are. When these principles are written in a single document with a set of laws, rules or guidelines, said laws of governance become a written constitution. When provided into a single comprehensive document, it can be defined as a codified constitution pursuant to a ‘do no harm’ protocol.
Constitutions describe the self-governance of different types of groups of people guided by sovereign guidelines to work with sovereign heir apparent leaders on allodial traditional lands/jurisdictions. Established treaties between universal sovereign nations respect consensual constitutional terms and conditions to agree on self-governance in the Name of Peace on Earth. With Good Faith stated intentions, a Private Sovereign Constitution defines the rule of laws upon which the Group of People protect freedom with harmony. Changing from corporate servitude to sovereign lifestyles gives humanity an opportunity to follow their inner-passion to serve humanity and Earth with peaceful projects. Sovereign laws are governed by the highest Spiritual Law of Divine Love that guides people to heal oneself and be in service with a ‘do no harm’ primary mandate on Earth. Admiralty/Maritime jurisdiction created corporate constitutions with Man-made Acts, Regulations, Laws and Statutes to codify self interest by enacting state powers to limit mankind by establishing lines that state rulers cannot cross, such as fundamental rights.
Compliant tax slaves to serve “Corporate” pyramid systems versus free-will loving guided “Sovereign” people living natural peaceful lifestyles in harmony with Mother Earth.
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