A Organic farmers, Health, Food and Hospitality Business entrepreneurs wishing to transfer their businesses by revoking Corporate tax jurisdiction licenses with SSG Certificates may attend workshops to obtain sovereign verification from SSCK assurance advisors. Business transfers require written notification (e-mails can be used) to Department of Vital Statistics, Better Business Bureaus (BBB), Muni-council members and Companies Registrar in Victoria and de facto corporate STATE Government CANADA.
B SSG members can not rescue people from secondary bank fraud closures. Case law; “The power to tax, is the power to destroy … Daniel Webster and John Marshall n Supreme Court case, McCulloch v Maryland. Webster’s argument in case, “An unlimited Power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy,” 17 U.S. 327 (1819). Marshall, “The power to Tax is a direct destruction of the sovereign”.
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