Primary Bank, SBOK (Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Bank on Kanata)

Banker Phil Chavez
Office number +1 505.433.4976 [office] Direct +1 505.219.9045
INTRODUCTION: Ch’áŵneŵas – helping men, women, and children. Remember who you are, as a living GOD (Generator of Dreams). As a conscious collective aspect connected to the Source of Love and Light, together we can exercise our unalienable right to freedom; of speech, and safety, live in off-grid homes, eat organic foods, breathe clean air, and drink clean water, and live peaceful lifestyles, together we can support and protect Earth’s natural resources to secure a sovereign future for humanity with lovelaughterlivinglearning – L4.
Welcome to Private Primary Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Bank on Kanata (SBoK) financing credit branches, Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Credit Group (SSCG) with end User products and services.
1 SSG Currency name – Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Tàla Currency (STQCURRENCY™) ~ initials STQC
2 SSG Currency symbol – (see symbol below) Draw a Capital ‘S’ embed a ‘Q’ to the bottom of the ‘S’ and place a dot to the top center of the ‘S’. The dot symbolizes how the Great Good Creator began its universal thought of Love for peaceful and beautiful creations. This contribution was created in a combined effort from Red Jacket’s and Hapu Maori leader, Gerry Otimi. This symbol is subject to change with no further Notice.SSG currency backing: Tax-Free, Usury Free Currency Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Tàla (STQCURENCY) (STQC) is gold backed with natural resources that remain in-on-ground due to strict environmental legislation enforced by SSG Constitutional Jurisdiction to protect Mother Earth’s Turtle Island eagle spirit.

2.1 Country Code STQCURRENCY (STQC)
2.2 Economic Numeric Code 333
2.3 Sovereign Swift Code SSCGSQKAP
3 Currency Exchange: Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Tàla – SQT preferred currency conversions are; AUD, GBP, NZD, CHF. However, SSG members can use other currencies to introduce foreign investments for international humanitarian and earth-friendly projects. The exchange rate sets SQT at a par 1:1 value of 100 copper pennies equivalent to a ‘Commonwealth’ Dollar.
3.1 Copper is a very strong healing metal for humanity. This ‘copper’ touch healing was deliberately removed by Rothschilds Secondary Bankers, similar to Monsanto’s GMO fertilizer to poison agriculture and food for humanity. Knowing the science of this healing metal, inventors have created copper businesses to sell copper jewelry; necklaces, wristbands, earrings, and bracelets.
4 The following features of SSG currency SQT are;
- SQT aka Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Tàla is not a ‘registered’ product with de facto corporate IMF, BIS, WTO, Comptroller of Currencies, Uncitral/Unicitrall, Fintrac. Thus, SSG sovereign currency, SQT is tax/interest/usury free in its issuance, application, and Good Faith exchange with assured transactions of SSG products and services to contractual parties with international financial transparency.
- SSG members are RWA (Ready Willing and Able) to propose economic reform to sovereign nations for Fair Trade and Commerce with leaders who want change with financial independence. Sovereign leaders and nations who are ready to accept and create tax-usury-free new currencies as financial solutions may contact SSG Ambassador for International Finance,
- Notification to corporate Finance Ministers and Treasury Board members registered with WBG/FRB, Holy See, WA, DC or JV Inc. Club of Rome, Pilgrim Society members, and Canada’s new Auditor General, Karen Hogan are managing official bankrupt ‘registered’ corporations.
- Furthermore, MP Pat Kelly from Calgary Rocky Ridge Alberta is paid by members from the World Bank Group (WBG), Federal Reserve Board/Bank, and Pilgrim Society who create money out of ‘thin air’.
- FRB members do not answer to anyone, it is a private group / thinks tank that finds ways to capture human faith into believing the ‘mon-eye’ Fraud of fiat debt note currencies. This information was revealed by former FRB Chairman Ben Bernanke who testified before the House Financial Services Committee that the Feds have fancy print press located at the Holy See in WA, DC USA to inject Asset-Price, Bubbles and Monetary Policy into the global Financial Community. The City of London, Vatican, and WA, DC USA are ‘tax-interest free’ jurisdictions.
- SQT root currency is backed by natural resources based on SSG jurisdiction and protected with SSCK’s assurance by SSG’s Constitution. SSG natural resources remain in-ground, as all natural resources belong to Mother Earth. Mining, fisheries, forestry, and natural activities extracted from SSG jurisdiction is subject to automatically served Debt Contracts commencing with $21T lawful currency pursuant to applicable criminal charges of Fraud, Trespass, Privacy violations, Theft, R.I.C.O, etc.
- In order to prevent open pit mining, loose SQT coins are not available for monetary trade and exchange.
- SSG Constitution introduction of Hemp bills and checkbooks are in session for review and must pass royal assent before a consensus is proposed to the 7+ Million people living on Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ jurisdiction.
- SSCK’s assurance advisors’ bona fide intention is to promote SSG Constitution with a primary mandate to protect world peace and end human poverty/servitude on Mother Earth’s Turtle Island.
- SSCG financial ‘Harmony’ cards free are portable and free from tracking technology; RFID, SWIFT Lite QFS, and AI (Artificial Intelligence). SBoK/SSCG offers secure online banking with cards and identity assurance software available on Android phones.
5 SSG Constitution Banking. Article G2: WHEREAS SSG’s new currency is named Tax/Interest-Free, Usury Free Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Tàla (money). Its symbol is the form of exchange onto international markets that agree to remove all taxes. New tax-usury free/exempt currencies that affect financial transfers with transparent ledgers that adhere to AML, Corruption Eradication (CE), Privacy Protection, Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Guidance on Digital Identity. The FATF sets standards and “promotes effective implementation of legal, regulatory, and operational measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing, and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system”. In March 2020, the Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”) released Guidance on Digital Identity. The Guidance seeks to aid FIs, governments, and other organizations apply a risk-based approach when using digital identity systems for customer due diligence (CDD).[1]
6 SSCG Certified Cheques Design: SSG Tàla symbol is presented on CC with watermarks from artists to describe Mother Earth’s nature such as eagles and condors indigenous to SSG country/jurisdiction. Some heroic figures who fought to protect the sovereignty of America’s people, like Sitting Bull, Red Horse, Geronimo, Crazy Horse, Tecumc, Big Bear, etc. may be used, if and when permission is granted in writing from respective family members.
7 Q Don’t SSG members require a license or consent to use existing currencies?
Q Why?
A SSG member served a November 9th, 2010 Notice by registered mail to International Monetary Regulators about SSG currency’s intention to trade for fair exchange with existing international ‘existing’ currencies. SSG member’s right to work with ‘old’ currencies came with a strict Caveat of tax/interest/usury-free transfers. Document security 09NOV2010 – REGISTERED SOVEREIGN CURRENCY NOTICE (RSCN) #OCC/IMG/WB:FIN-NOV2010-149-491-943-JW/DSK/RBZ/HG. Named Regulators; Comptroller of the Currency, John Walsh, Cyberlaw Consulting Centre aka Uncitral/Unicitrall, Chair Karnika Seth, Fintrac Corporate governance members, IMF former Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former WBG President, Robert Zoellick, WTO Director-General, Pascal Lamy, etc. SSG standard time clause proviso expired to the Notice, thus their silence was a tacit consent to agree that SSG currency was accepted and that SSG banking products can use existing global currencies.
8 SSG members’ use of SSCK Notification is a process to inform and educate the people. SSG International Press Release dated November 13, 2009 was served by GOOD FAITH PUBLIC NOTICE to Retail Council of CANADA and UN members. This 2009 public post was provided on SSG website
8.1 SSG website was taken down again in 2011 and 2015. It became obvious that SSG notification process was a problem for someone or something. In the first instance, we surmise that it was the RCMP. In 2007, Kap, Red Jacket, and Irene went to the RCMP head office and met with Sergeant, Stephane Gauthier from the Commercial Crime Section A Division at 155 McArthur Avenue, Room 523, Ottawa, Ontario to file a complaint against the Bank of Canada under file #2007-1252306 for Fraud and Failure to perform under S. 337 CCC against Monique Menard, a BOC lawyer.
8.2 In 2011, we believe that it was CSIS (Canadian Secret Intelligence Service) working with MI6 agents for the Queen who took our website down. On January 5, 2011, Irene contacted RCMP officer Jean Francois Patrick Syndonee to inquire about the investigation and was informed that the file was closed. SSCK contract with ICM agents will investigate this as time permits.
8.3 In 2015 it was the CIA, because a CIA agent threatened Siyam ©KiapilanoqCapilano™ (Kap) in a face-to-face meeting by speaking on the phone to the Queen in front to Kap. After he finished speaking to his ‘Mother’ DM (CIA agent identified by initials because he is a father to a young son), DM waived his finger at Kap and emotionally expressed that we had to remove the registered liens against BC and CANADA … or else it will be more than the SWAT teams coming to the door.
9 Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Court on Kanata (©SSCK™) advisors protect SSCG products and services with assurance of $21T per financial transfer with SSCG products and services approved and regulated by Primary Bank, SBoK Directors, and Consultants.
10 Currency Restrictions: SSCG will not use USD, CAD or EUR currencies pursuant to SSG Constitutional Private Primary Bank regulations. SSG banking prohibits the use of; FB, G-mail, iPhones, Google Inc. or Chrome products, and the Gates Foundation technology and/or Soros and Rupert Murdoch ‘fake news media.
10.1 SSCG transfer technology will automatically block case-sensitive words for; taxes-usury contracts of any type, purchases at the point of sale for alcohol, over-the-counter drugs, gambling, weapons of any type, and other suspicious purchases at strip clubs, and suspicious money laundering activities for street drug cartels and pedophiles.
11 Financial Instruments: Credit Branches, SSCG will not accept de facto corporate State Government identification or issued benefits; Unemployment Insurance, disability, social service, Canadian Pension Plan contributions, RRSP dividends, stocks, shares, etc. A ‘cashless’ money system introduced with a ‘crypto’ Radio-frequency Identification (RFID) tracking system provided by MC/VISA are branded financial tool to keep mankind addicted to a 3rd dimension tax-interest-rated slave system. Expressed terms and conditions, hyper-inflation rates, and silent commissions transferred by sophisticated bank technology to benefit Third Party corporate tax-interest rate collectors that fund the Pentagon/CIA/NASA wars on Earth are strictly forbidden and incur an automatic debt contract by default for collection by SSCK’s security advisors.
12 Caveat: SSG members prohibit the purchase of lands or ‘property’ because Mother Earth was never ‘sold’ with money to anyone or anything. SSG members can purchase or finance existing businesses. SBoK and SSCG Directors will not ‘bail out’ bankrupt corporate entities or invest in companies that have committed crimes against humanity or destroyed Mother Earth.
13 Benefits: Alternatively, one can, however, rent and live in off-grid homes in communities led by sovereign leaders who endorse, promote, and use tax-usury-free SSCG bank products. Rent to live in off-grid homes in communities that are financially supported by tax-usury-free SSCG financial solutions. Transfer your home’s Clear Title to SSCK Department of Lands from corporate systems to a sovereign peaceful jurisdiction. Check for information on SSG Notice Tab for education seminars, date, time, and location.
14 Corporate Tax-interest usury imposed upon humanity from secondary commercial systems is strictly forbidden by SSG Constitutional peace protocol. Peaceful Agreements and Friendship Relations Accords with sovereign Governments and headmen, sovereign chiefs, and clan mothers are in effect Before Time Immemorial (BTI – before human memory).
15 CIS (Client Information Sheet) / Client Disclosure (CD) – KYC (Know Your Client) Tab on this website, provides Receiving/Sending Bankers (RSB) details about SSCG Certified Cheques (CC) issued to Named Beneficiary as an End User tool for economic reform in B2B (BankBusiness 2 BankBusiness) transactions by transfer.
16 Q Where did SSG members get their money from? SSG members sued de facto corporate STATE Government CANADA and NWT and US/USA/AMERICA for mass genocide, Treason, Sedition, Fraud, Theft, First Degree Murder committed against SSG people who were reduced from 200,000 SSG people to 3,000 by displacement, residential schools and other killing Modus Operandi.
16.1 Corporate primary agendas are to Divide and Conquer with Private Tax Benefits by DIA Act Band members who are appointed tax collectors for de facto corporate CANADA Department of Indian Affairs Agency. These Band Council members have committed Fraud against their own people and committed a Trespass against Mother Earth’s Turtle Island’s sovereignty.
16.2 Served Affidavits are Debt Contracts defined as Schedule 4 Special Bill of Costs filed at the Supreme Court of BC in 2008. Notification to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) members was served in 2010. Since 2011, SSG members are official sovereign stakeholders with traditional claims effected by their apparent leaders as a bond by autograph to paper to notify the world business community of SSG member’s interest in securing world peace.
17 Dishonour to contract by Default from de facto corporate Governments, CANADA, NWT & US: WHEREAS public agents ignore, neglect, and/or refuse to pay debt contracts despite the fact that they have the opportunity and means to settle. Thus, secured registered liens placed against the public and private bonds of de facto STATE government agents were forfeited with Absolute Supreme Sovereign Spiritual Authority (ASA) in 2008. This means that there is no longer an immunity or insurance protection against corporate ‘bonded’ names to STATE CANADA/NWT/USA civil servants and their Bankrupt Status is permanent.
18 Canada’s Trudeau and DIA Minister, Carolyn Bennett’s silence to served contracts along with SSCK Bankrupt Certificates copied to ICJ and Interpol, gave SSG members no alternative but to draw monetary ‘values’ from registered liens with SSCG Certified Cheques (CC). SSG members wish to share the wealth of these served Debt contracts against Named Deep State or 1% members, to benefit humanity and Mother Earth with assurance pursuant to a ‘do no harm’ SSG Constitutional proposed economic reform with SSG SQT currency.
19 SBoK Registered Liens secure financial liabilities served in Bi-lateral contracts. Said liens remain ‘active/alive’ until served Sovereign Debt Contracts (SDC) to de facto corporate STATE Government, CANADA, USA + NWT public agents pay SSG members. SSG member’s daily earnings of $21T (TWENTY-ONE TRILLION) lawful currency as penalties for Debtors’ failure to perform pursuant to S. 337 CCC, violation Bills of Exchange Act, 1882, and universal contract laws as described in registered liens.
20 Named Debtors known as the 1% or Deep State or Shadow Governments are charged $999I (NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE INFINITE/INTEGRITY) debt currency pursuant to daily Dishonour by Default to served contracts. Jesuit Secretive Modus Operandi works with Public Pope Francis, Black Private Pope, Arturo Sosa and Queen Elizabeth II of England’s silence is a tacit consent to agree that crimes against humanity profiled original peoples of the Americas for ethnic cleansing mass genocide agenda. KKK mind control systems managed by the Deep State 1% committed mass genocide with judicial Orders from the Holy See WA, DC/JV Inc. Club of Rome, and Pilgrim Society members to govern Canada’s Department of Indian Affairs (DIA) and US Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) with mens rea to appoint, elect and benefit Corporate Band Council members with nepotism, money, corruption and greed.
21 Hi-story ~ Her story of SSG Banking and Financial Products: SSG Ambassador for International Finance, Phil R Chavez joined SSG members in 2011. Prior to Phil’s bank directions, SSG members produced IBOE (International Bills of Exchange). When Mr. Chavez joined SSG members, SSCG’s financial product was changed to Certified Cheques (CC) pursuant to SSG’s Constitutional jurisdiction.
22 ARTICLE G3 – SSCG IBOE/CC taken for deposit by Named Secondary Receiving Bankers (SRB) who credit and provide end User products with services to mutual Named Beneficiary(ies) are jointly protected with a $21T assurance protection to process, transfer and clear SSCG CC. Emailed and telephoned MT760 Bank Guarantee transfers and clears ‘funds’ in Good Faith pursuant to the Code of Conduct and Ethics rule of law. Certified Cheques are ‘cash’ upon deposit pursuant to the rule of Law; The Bills of Exchange (IBE) Act 1882 is an adopted Charter for our Central Bank, SBoK, and its retail branch, SSCG. Pursuant to Chapter 61 45_and_46_VICT, S. 43(2), subject to the provisions of this Act when a bill is dishonored by non-acceptance, an immediate right of recourse against the drawer and endorsers accrues to the holder, and no presentment of ‘other type of currency’ as settlement is necessary.
23 ARTICLE G4 – adopted CASE LAW: Fielding and Platt v. Nijjar [1969] 1 WLR 361, per Lord Denning MR, “We have repeatedly said in this court that a Bill of Exchange or Promissory Note is to be treated as cash. It is to be honored unless there is some good reason to the contrary. It is suggested that, on the first note, there was a failure of consideration. That suggestion is quite unfounded. The [Plaintiffs] were getting on with their part of the contract.” This law applies to all SSCG end-user products.
24 Formerly Named de facto (has no lawful authority) corporate STATE BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, NORTHWEST TERRITORIES (NWT), ALBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN, ONTARIO, USA Federal Reserve Treasury tax-usury fee systems are bankrupt.
24.1 Black-lined surveyed tax/interest systems that divide Earth into black ‘tax boxes’ men’s rea is to own and control ‘natural resources’ aka humanity and life force with Corporate Bondage from a foreign jurisdiction. Admiralty/Maritime Roman War laws have no jurisdiction to govern Mother Earth’s Turtle Island resources.
24.2 Research Remember taxes and usury fees are an insult to human intelligence. Wake up people and do not be deceived again, by Groups selling $5M GBP Sovereign Certificates to be recognized and certified as a Sovereign human. Furthermore, ‘sovereign’ banks are advertised, promoted, and introduced with new Internet banking solutions. Again, use discernment and conduct due diligence before downloading to sign these bank contracts.
Question everything all the time and have your Higher Self-use intuition and guides to speak from the heart. Seek information by requesting references. Contact other people who have done their D&D (due diligence) and ask if they are comfortable with their findings on the corporate board of executive governance and directors.
People who have experienced aggressive home foreclosures have learned from personal experience that bankers work hand in glove with judiciaries and court systems. Learn from others and always use common sense to question a tax system that has no regard for human living experience on Earth. Watch Netflix; Black Earth Rising, Suits, Burden of Truth and Blacklist, the Money Masters, and the Matrix series.

[1] Source: