I Am known by my Sovereign Name as Siyam Te ©Kiapilanoq/CAPILANO™. It is my sincere pleasure to present readers with our mission and vision of freedom for humanity by the stroke of a pen to paper for peace on Sentient Beloved Earth’s Gaia pursuant to SSG Constitution with adopted case laws from Admiralty/Maritime jurisdiction1, in order to communicate information with peaceful standing. SSG members use the following international declarations as the rule of law for Peace; Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Longhouse laws, Iroquois Great laws of Peace recognized by the Haudenosaunee, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, Tuscarora Nations, the Two Row Wampum Belt, Algonquin and Akwesasne directives plus other ancient traditions that existed before visitors came to these lands. SSG Members are all one in spirit of love for the ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ homeland/country. We have friendly written agreements with other sovereign leaders from; Europe, Hapu Maori, Yidinji, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Pacific Triangle, South and Central America Mayan Elders, traditional tribes from the Americas for Fair Trade and Commerce diplomatic relations.
SSG members take sovereignty seriously, which is why disclosure of our new proposed economic reform is provided with international financial transparency and risk management protocol. SSG members are not registered with the United Nations (UN). SSG members are not interested in the United Nations Global Economic Governance (UNGEG), these Committee members agenda to tax and interest commerce ‘natural resources’ have no jurisdiction on SSG country. UN members are not permitted to use NATO military forces to kill people on Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ homelands for tax or usury commerce. SSG members do not have weapons, no army, no security forces to ‘defend’ Peace. SSCK court advisors promote a no tolerance for ‘racial discrimination’ rule of law. Tax free and usury exempt legislation pursuant to SSG’s Constitution is offered with barter and SSCredit currency as financial repayment products and options. SSG hereditary traditional ways are simple with no voting system in place for political agendas there is no room for nepotism thus SSG members do not seek for peoples votes or political contributions. There is only one Creator, thus there is no religion and we do NOT ask for donations. SSG members support a ‘govern and know thyself’ mandate with common sense and reason peacefully. The majority of people are mature enough to know the difference between right and wrong, therefore 99.9% of the human race is in sync with Earth’s peaceful nature.
The purpose of our internet presence is to provide an educational platform that offers a due diligence process for private investors who seek for protection of resources in a sovereign jurisdiction through SSG Constitution. Together, with international financial transparency disclosure, we can be the change for universal economic reform. SSG members invite sovereign ‘human collective consciousness’ who are tired of tyranny to meet with us for financial tax free and usury exempt solutions. Together, we can use discernment and passion to protect our Mother Earth. Joining with heart and like mind to speak the truth that creates prosperous healthy economic support for people living in peaceful, off-grid, energy free, pharma mafia free communities on Turtle Island.
Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-SquamishSN™ Government (SSG) members are ready and willing to enter into diplomatic relations with traditional, not political/religious leaders of sovereign nations/governments, who want better lifestyles for their people. The adoption of Sovereign Universal Natural Private Earth (SUNPE) jurisdiction with Peace laws administered by assurance provider, Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Court on Kanata (SCCK) will protect SSG members and leaders from sovereign countries. This information offers readers an important choice to know the difference between de facto corporate government and sovereign de jure governments. Also, SSG members protect sovereignty as a primary mandate with universal truths as the light that expresses love for all that is, for we are all One living, learning, loving, laughing on Turtle Island