SSG JURISDICTION FOR SOVEREIGN TRUST’S Established SSG Jurisdictiën Trusts©Skwxwú7mesh SquamishTM Government See:SSCK RECOGNIZED TRUST ENTITY TRUST ESTATE – GROUPEBANC™ TRUSTINVEST VENTURES™ TRUSTPAY VENTURES™ TRUSTTA™ TRUSTTB™ TRUSTThe Recognized Entity Section of the ©Skwxwú7mesh Squamish™ Government Sovereign Squamish Court on Kanata (SSCK) office processes filings maintains records and provides information to the public relating to entities recognized within its jurisdiction.For more information or to establish your own Trust email: Marcia-Ann, Diplomat & Ambassador for all Trusts.Website: Basic Search•A Basic search can be performed using an entity name or entity number. A basic search will search only ACTIVE entities.Disclaimer:Although every attempt has been made to ensure that the information contained in the database is accurate, SSCK is not responsible for any loss, consequence, or damage resulting directly or indirectly from reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the information that is provided. All such information is provided “as is.” To order certified copies or certificates of status, (1) locate an entity using the search; (2) email your request to the Trust Company.