Sxwlxwltews-Greetings Sovereigns
SSG members offer universal economic reform pursuant to international financial transparency and risk managed disclosure with educational platforms.
WHO – Primary Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Bank on Kanata (©SBoK™) is not a registered Corporate entity. SBoK directors manage SSG financial affairs with different protocols. SSCG credit branch advisors offer sovereign and true transparency with international risk managed disclosure.
WHEREAS Secondary bankers operate with blue/grey screen banking technology to benefit Private Shareholders interest in Public stock exchange trade platforms. Refer to Comparison tab for more information. Thus, Corporate Public Bank interests operate with Secondary Financial Contracts.
International Support – SSG Constitution and Jurisdiction is recognized and supported by ICJ (International Court of Justice) members; France, Somalia, Japan, Slovakia, Morocco, Brazil, England, China, USA, Italy, Uganda, India, Australia, Russia and Jamaica on August 4, 2017 with docket #A2011/016 from the Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague at the Netherlands with several delivered Certified Certificates, one is confirmed by Purolator #6916430242. SSG members notify Interpol and US Security and Exchange Commissioner (SEC) pursuant to Business Ethical Code of Conduct as a professional courtesy. De facto Corporate STATE Canada and GNWT are bankrupt entities that owns no thing; not the fish that swims in the waters, not a speck of gold on Mother Earth, not the air that we breathe, not a tree that stands on the Americas.
SSCG advisors are protected by SSG Constitutional Peace laws with an Independent Licence # No #SSG333SSCK-SBOK193719541944SSCG-SKC20072020…
HOW – SSCG retail branches offer Sovereign Private Trust Accounts (SPTA) with financial products protected with privacy, Copyright/claim and Trademark. SSCK contract advisors assure bank transactions and transfers with Registered Security #

WHY – Privacy is important because Third Party 1% controlled corporate audits use ‘tax-usury’ systems to finance wars by genocide, theft, treason and fraud to destroy Mother Earth and depopulate Humanity. TaxUsury fees violate SSG Constitution and jurisdictional laws. SSG members educational platforms encourage people to ‘wake up and change’ by stating, ‘No, to de facto corporate Rothschilds banks’.
Protecting Mother Earth with sustainable environmental solutions is an important step to assure the future of our children and generations to come. SSCG financial products tax-usury free transfers credit accounts with international transparency pursuant to risk management with full disclosure and accountability. Thus, SSCG financial products work with private transparent disclosure. SSG members agreement to bi-lateral bank contracts is to politely inform IRS (Internal Revenue Service) or CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) agent for the US Treasury and Federal Reserve BoardBankers to pay their debt contracts to SSG members.
WHEN – “I am not a conspiracy theorist. I deal with real facts, not theory.”—Fritz Springmeier
Truth SeekersSpeakers, way showers, healers using love from the heart can effect positive change for Mother Earth’s restoration. Natural conservation respects the living nature of Earth’s LandAirWater (LAW). Are you ready to remember who you are? Do you want to change the dharma of your living experience on Mother Earth? Are you interested in stepping out of the box to be sovereign? Are you tired of fear based belief systems and fake news propaganda?
WHAT – SSG members are prepared to finance security agents with tax-interest fee contracts in order to collect collateral and assets secured by registered liens from de facto Corporate STATE Canada public agents. De facto Canada et al contractual time clause has expired to attend a deposition on YouTube. This public Notice is provided by default with automatic indictments for failure to perform pursuant to S. 337 CCC. SSG members will meet with ‘awakened truth speakers’ such as; retired judges, notaries, receptionists, financial advisors, book keepers, ex-police officers, alternative natural healers, infrastructure community engineers, trades people, construction workers, community planners, organic farmers, etc.
WHERE – SSG members Sovereign educational platforms are offered in 3 stages; (1) SSG Ambassador for International Finance, Phil R Chavez called ‘fiduciary bank management’, (2) Irene with common sense contracts with Siyam ©KiapilanoqCapilano™ will talk to original people about SSG solutions and (3) self-care workshops with special guest speakers to support personal changes. These teachings will empower people to find a spiritual dharma with Absolute Supreme Spiritual Authority to live a peaceful lifestyle as a sovereign on Mother Earth.
Credit Group Advisors – SSCG-A00001
Health Department Advisors – SSG-A00001
Sweden is implementing AI (Artificial Intelligence) aka ‘mico-chipping’ technology on people. Link Our US State Trooper informed us that Mexico has chipped all their medical, fire, EMS and law enforcement since 2007. SSG members are informed that in South America, chipped people use this to pay for transportation; food, bus, taxi, flights etc. Bill Gates donations to WHO (World Health Organization) promotes vaccine and immunization programs by implementing ‘rice’ sized chips into people. This is the beginning of ‘harvesting’ humanity by consent.
SSG members refuse, dismiss, decline implementation of this monetary ‘chip’ because of its dangerous health and tracking implications.
Vaccine ingredients are dangerous and not designed to promote natural healthy lifestyles. Dr. Arthur E Brawer in an open case report with open access DOI: 10.23937/2469-5726/1510075 “Typical symptoms are prolonged generalized fatigue, chronic headaches, widespread generalized pain, tremors, gastronintestinal mobility, gait and sleep disturbance, fainting episodes, non-restorative sleep, anxiety, tingling and numbness, etc. Most importantly by agreeing to subject oneself to these vaccine programs, it is a ‘cash’ win for the pharma mafia whose agenda is to depopulate humanity. The tracking is to see who has sex and when, what you are eating, watching, where you gamble or drink, drive or attend concerts, meetings, etc. The challenge to reverse these invasive ingredients, must be addressed by professional alternative natural solutions. SSG members welcome these ‘natural scientists’ with open arms. Check our Notice Tab for more information.
Support Documents: Download these virus-free, pdf files to your computer or mobile as they do not display well on a webpage.
1 SBOK1-ONTLIENVERIFY-JUN2019.PDF size of 16 MB with 7 pages, and could be a lengthy download because of the graphics in the scanned PDF. This document is important for Secondary Bankers who require a KYC process prior to working with SSCG retail bankers.
2 This document provides Secondary Bankers with information on how SSG Tala can be used as a legitimate currency traded at par for fair exchange transfers pursuant to the Bills of Exchange Act, 1882 with CIS compliance. CURRENCYCERT-SQT-MAR2019.PDF has a scanned size of 2.1 MB with 4 pages and is a midsized download too large to display well on a webpage.
3 Registered lien collection of collateral and assets to settle Debt Contracts
4 SSCG Directors will educate, and train people in every sector of SSG banking and various court departments. Offered excellent health, dental, and vacation benefits, after completion of 3 workshops, successful 6-month probation, negotiated salary to contract with standard 4 days on and 3 days off.
Place Work for Court/Bank/Department in the subject heading. PDF attach a resume, enclose 2 completed forms from the website with a cover letter describing why you are interested in a position with SSG for the court to Siyam ©KiapilanoqCapilano™ or bank to SSG Ambassador for International Finance, Mr. Phil R Chavez, other SSG department work to ©Irene M GravenhorstKiapilanoq™. If your passion is to teach sovereignty from personal experiences, we extend a warm welcome to that as well!
E&OE ©BTI-2007… with all rights reserved.™